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Rainbow trout in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2019-04-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: rainbowborrow troublerain bootviolin bowtenpin bowlingmain bodyrain belttow truckMeaning: n. 1. flesh of pacific trout that migrate from salt to fresh water 2. found in Pacific coastal waters and streams from lower California to Alaska. 
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1. I hooked a 14-inch rainbow trout.
2. He cloned the growth hormone of rainbow trout.
3. Largemouth bass, yellow bass, channel catfish and rainbow trout accounted for about 5 percent of the total.
4. The lake is stocked with Rainbow trout.
5. Rainbow trout breeding, processing of renowned domestic and foreign.
6. Products: Fugu obscurus Abe , sturgeon, rainbow trout.
7. You can eat delicious rainbow trout in Huairou.
8. Ahh. It's a rainbow trout. It's oven baked in a white wine and garlic sauce, sprinkled with sea salt(, and rested on a celeriac and pontiac mash.
9. It is possible for the offspring of rainbow trout to become anadromous and for the offspring of steelhead to develop a resident life history.
10. A rainbow trout swims out of the pond into a cool stream.
11. The scientists found sites in the heads of rainbow trout that responded to damaging stimuli.
12. The anadromous variety of rainbow trout, being larger and having darker spots than the freshwater variety.
13. The catch included resident rainbow trout, juvenile chinook ? salmon , bull trout, coho salmon, steelhead and sculpin.
14. Why did you bring a rainbow trout into the trailer?
14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
15. Woodlands Pool which is a general coarse fishery; and two rainbow trout pools where fishing is restricted to fly-only.
16. They started by engineering a slow-growing wild strain of rainbow trout.
17. Nevertheless, he added, it had failed to take the necessary steps to prevent an escape of rainbow trout.
18. Chen succeeded in accelerating their growth by transferring genes from carp and rainbow trout to the tilapia.
19. His scalp is spotted like the skin of a rainbow trout.
20. Researchers at the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology collected spermatogonia from adult rainbow trout and injected them into sterile salmon embryos.
21. However, these sublethal symptoms were not observed in fingerlings of rainbow trout exposed to a mean concentration of 22.3 ppm F- after 8 days.
More similar words: rainbowborrow troublerain bootviolin bowtenpin bowlingmain bodyrain belttow truckwillow treegroup traininginboxinbornfellow travellerbrain drainbowtiebow-tiebow tieinboundshin boneshinboneinboardunbowedcabin boypinboardtropical rain forestin bondagelawn bowlingbulletin boardbulletin board systemagainst the grain
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